
Karangoma Camp

Karangoma Camp has a wonderfully remote location in the northern Okavango Delta where the waterways and floodplains meet the sandveld. The camp is a partnership between Wild Expeditions and the elder of the local community, Olatotse Sarefo, and has Bukakhwe San and Hambukushu culture running through its ethos and design. Karangoma is a Sembukushu word meaning ‘drum beating, ancestral healing, bringing good future to the tribe, or, when one is ill, cure dancing’. The camp offers the essence of healing and harmony to its guests connecting with nature and traditional cultures.

Accommodation & Facilities
Karangoma has six traditional safari tents on low decks, hidden among leadwood and sausage trees on a small wooded peninsula jutting out into a floodplain. The camp overlooks a well trodden wildlife path and the water beyond. The tents have large bedrooms and en-suite bathrooms with inside and outside showers, all offering views onto the floodplain. The mess tent has a dining room, lounge and bar, and a fireplace outside where guests gather for drinks before or after dinner. There is also a small pool.

Wildlife & Activities
Karangoma’s main activity is day and night wildlife drives in open vehicles that allow guests to see Africa’s charismatic large mammals such as elephant, lion, buffalo, wild dog, giraffe, and hyena up close. Walking safaris, following animal tracks, slowly exploring the area, and enjoying opportunistic cooling dips in the water of the Okavango are other major highlights. Mokoros (dug-out canoes) and motor boat cruises are a great way to travel through the channels looking for species like red lechwe or wetland birds like the malachite kingfisher. Guests can also visit Gudigwa village, home to a small Bukakhwe San community, to learn about a different culture and living with wildlife in Africa first-hand.

Karangoma Camp Camp Gallery click for large image