
Planning a Safari

Even if you have only got a preliminary idea, we are very happy to talk to you at the earliest stage of planning a safari. We specialise in tailor-made, high quality African safaris away from the crowds. You may be going on safari for the first time and don’t know where or how to start planning, in which case we will spend as long as it takes to design an itinerary to suit your wishes. Or, if you are an experienced safari traveller looking for something different, we can advise you on new discoveries we have made through our own extensive travels.

We’ll ask questions about everyone travelling with you, and if there’s anything in particular you want to see or do. We’ve members in the team who are experts on planning family safaris, who’ve ridden all over Africa, who know the best spots for the migration or who’ve scaled Kilimanjaro, and we’ll make sure you are advised by the best person for your trip.

When should I start planning?
Although we can put together a stunning last-minute safari in a matter of days, you’ll get a wider choice of accommodation if you can plan at least six months ahead. If you’re a larger group of friends or a family, give us as much time as possible, even a year or more.

How many countries should I visit?
This depends on the time you have available, your wishes and budget. We will often suggest combining two or even three countries. For example, gorilla tracking combines wonderfully with a classic big game safari in Kenya or Tanzania while the spectacular scenery and desert adapted species in Namibia mix perfectly with Botswana’s pristine wilderness.

How long is a typical safari?
Africa is vast – hopping from one country to another can take several hours or more – so it’s important to allow time to travel. Seven days on the ground would be the minimum we would suggest, ten days or more is ideal. We’ll make the best of your time by connecting contrasting areas with light aircraft flights, allowing you to see as much as possible without feeling rushed.

How do I prepare for my safari?
Once your holiday is confirmed, we will provide you with extensive pre-departure information which contains everything you need to know prior to your holiday. We’re always happy to help on the phone or over email, no matter how small a query may seem.

Aardvark Safaris service continues in Africa, where you’ll be met at every airport and greeted warmly at each camp and lodge. Our 24-hour emergency contact number is available should you need help or advice during your holiday. We love hearing about your travels and will be in touch on your return to find out how you have enjoyed your safari.

help or advice during your holiday. We love hearing about your travels and will be in touch on your return to find out how you have enjoyed your safari.