
The positive impact of safari adventures

May 31st 2024  |   Conservation Safaris, Wildlife Safaris, Unique Experiences  |  by   Emily Tetley
The positive impact of safari adventures

Embarking on a safari is a thrilling adventure, a chance to witness the majestic beauty of wildlife in their natural habitats.  By choosing to go on safari you are not just investing in an unforgettable experience, a percentage of the cost of your holiday goes into the communites, conservation and culture.  Your contirbution will help to build a better future for the people and wildlife in the regions you visit.  In this blog we share the postive impact of safari adventures.

Empowering communities and conservation efforts


One of the most direct benefits of safari tourism is job creation. From expert guides and drivers to lodge staff and maintenance workers, the tourism industry provides numerous employment opportunities for local residents. These jobs not only offer a steady income but also include training and development, enhancing skills that can lead to long-term career growth.

For many years, the safari industry has been dominated by males however camps like Kicheche Laikipia and Kicheche Mara Camps are leading the way by providing women with the skills, education, and support to grow professionally. Strong female leaders play a pivotal role in shaping aspirations for the next generation, hearing their stories and creating a network of role models all help highlight the limitless possibilities for women to transcend barriers, challenge convention and rewrite an outdated narrative.

Furthermore, many safari operators invest directly in the communities where they operate. This can include funding for schools, healthcare facilities, clean water projects, and more.

Wild Vision and Natural Selection Trust have been working together to address the challenge of eye care in rural areas of Botswana by offering onsite eye testing and glasses to children in remote areas.  In 2022 they tested 2211 children and gave out 86 sets of glasses to those in need. Funds for projects like this are raised through conservation, community and reserve fees for guests who stay at camps like Camp Kalahari in Botswana.

Many camps and lodges work with the local communities to offer authentic cultural experiences.  In Namibia you can visit a Himba village where they continue to live as their ancestors did, forging an existence out of the harsh environment.  On these visits, you can talk to the community and learn about their traditions and at the end, you have the opportunity to purchase some handmade artefacts. This income allows them to continue to live as they have for thousands of years and helps to preserve their culture and heritage.  This option is available to guests staying at Hoanib Valley Camp.

Himba Village Community Visit with Hoanib Valley Camp

Himba Village Visit with Hoanib Valley Camp


A significant portion of the fees you pay for park entry and permits goes directly into conservation efforts. This includes funding for anti-poaching units, which work tirelessly to protect endangered species from illegal hunting. By supporting these initiatives, you help to ensure that the incredible wildlife you came to see remains protected for future generations.

Conservation efforts are often strengthened by research and monitoring programs funded by tourism. These programs help scientists understand wildlife behaviour, track populations, and develop effective conservation strategies. The data collected is crucial for making informed decisions that benefit both wildlife and their habitats.  During a stay at Phinda Mountain Lodge in South Africa guests have the opportunity to join the Pangolin Conservation experience alongside researchers from their specialist conservation team as they observe the mammals, conduct health checks and download critical research data.  All funds raised from this signature experience go directly into the project for the purchase of tags, equipment, and veterinary care of the reserve’s pangolins as they aim to reverse the local extinction that existed in this area.

Pangolin Conservation at Phinda Mountain Lodge - the postive impact of safari adventures

Pangolin Conservation at Phinda Mountain Lodge

Many of the camps and lodge we use work tirelessly to positively impact their surrounding environment and the wildlife and communities that coexist within. Borana Lodge, Lewa House and Sirkoi Lodge in Kenya and Kwandwe Ecca Lodge  South Africa have fantastic rhino conservation projects and as a guest you can learn more about this during your stay.

Rhino Conservation at Borana Lodge - the postive impact of safari adventures

Rhino at Borana Lodge

A safari is undoubtedly an expensive holiday, but you can’t put a value on the incredible experiences, encounters, and memories that it leaves you with. You directly see the postive impact of safari adventures on the areas you visit, which is extremely rewarding.

Any questions?

If you’ve got this far and not found an answer to a question you have that we should have included, please ask in the comments section below, or pop us an email. We’ll be sure to reply and may amend the article to include our answer.

What next?

We would be delighted to help you plan a holiday, or answer any questions if you’re at an earlier stage. Our team of experts have travelled widely throughout Africa. They can offer expert advice on every type of safari from family and beach holidays to riding and primate safaris.  If you would like to talk to someone who has been there and done it, please just send us an email or give us a call.

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